Thursday, September 01, 2011

lovin' ice cream & holidays

sweeet song~~ ice cream salang du gu du gu sang sang~~ this song has been in my head since i watched lie to me (korean) oh mannn~~haha.. long time no see.. been busy and lazy to update as well.. almost finished with my mid sem holidays.. but ended up watching movies and dramas EVERYDAYYY.. However, i enjoyed it ~!!had a relaxed holiday..hehe.. Going back to uni next monday and another busy hectic semester will start again~!! that's alll~!! tata.... ...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Life Game

你活着的目的是什么?很感恩,有机会在Melbourne的LIfe GamE 担任义工虽然跟参与者的感受不太一样可是再次经历到祷告和同心的力量神 真的是又活有真的主希望每一个人真的能够在生活中活出基督的样式纵使 基督徒的生活有许许多多的阻拦可是,依靠主的达能,我们必然得胜加油呗~!Heaven is counting on everyone of...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


终于,我期盼已久的假期到了早上醒来,不用担心书还没读好,不用担心睡过头,不用再写多多的字回答past year papers,把这个sem的 lecture notes 全部收起来,把所有的pdf file, word docs, tabs 关了。。。感觉超棒的!哈哈哈哈昨晚也去看了X-men..觉得很好看只可惜,Melbourne Central 没有上映 Pirates 4 了 =((接下来3个星期多的假期要好好计划了呵呵还在考试的加油呗...

Friday, June 17, 2011


LOST by Victoria OsteenDo you ever feel like something is lost or missing in your life? Even after giving your heart to Him, maybe there's an uncomfortable emptiness on the inside that you can't quite put your finger on. Sometimes when you face difficult situations, it's easy to get overwhelmed in your thinking, wishing you could have done something differently. We can lose confidence or joy because of accusing voices or past mistakes. Oftentimes, people try to either fill or escape the emptiness by choosing things that bring pleasure for the moment, but only lead to more emptiness.If that's you, and you feel emptiness in any area of your life, I want you to know that Jesus Himself is on a mission on your behalf today. Luke 19:10 says that He came to seek and save that which was lost. Not...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


最近身边的友人好多都有好的事情哦为你们感到高兴那些遇到波折的不要太难过哦有许多美好的事情在等着你们哦 ♥考试的好好加油!!最近爱上了这首歌严爵-好的事情“休息是为了走更长的路。。。。。爱是为彼此...

Monday, May 23, 2011

调整心情 ING需要 M-O-T-I-V-A-T-I-...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


这个MV的拍摄手法好好哦~歌词,曲都很好听吸引到我的是这一组人所呈献出来的“有生命,有感染力” 的诗歌可能要考试了 开始压力了开始胡思乱想了有时会比较沮丧可是这首歌提醒了我神 永远在...

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